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Cycle SafetyCommunicating safety is one of the most rewarding parts of our business; a specialism that has the potential to save lives and avoid injuries.

It’s a niche that has evolved from our affinity with the quarrying industry. The problem is double-headed: employees working with complex machinery in rugged environments; and children who put their lives at risk by treating quarries as playgrounds.

On both fronts, we have developed ground-breaking initiatives that have taken safety into new dimensions and won government support. We are particularly proud of a website that shares constantly evolving best practice and automatically issues safety alerts to subscribers when incidents occur. And we have even recruited Premier League goalkeepers (safe hands!) to deliver the safety message to children.
Case Studies

Showcase 09safequarry.com
an interactive website to share vital safety best practice more
Stay Safe
a public campaign designed to deter children from playing in quarries more
Slips, trips and falls
animations that use fun to deliver serious workforce safety messages more
Sharing Good PracticeSharing good practice
spreading good safety ideas across an industry more